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A quick review of Root VC's portfolio companies (August 2024)
·869 words·5 mins
I have been fascinated by Root VC for a while due to their relatively large number of investments in companies that make physical hardware. They also happen to have a neat website that emulates a terminal interface, but what sort of companies do they invest in?
Approach to notes in Logseq and Roam Research
·871 words·5 mins
In this post I go through my thoughts on two different note taking apps as I have used them to keep notes on homebrewing, electronics, daily to-dos, etc.
My 2020 Books
·487 words·3 mins
Although I did not explicitly set out to read a book per month in 2020, it worked out to be roughly that amount based on the habits I built in 2019. In this post I analyze the works I consumed in 2020 and compare it to the 2019 books.
Controleo3 Build - Element replacement & upgraded boost
·923 words·5 mins
This post provides guidance for people who need to swap elements between TO1303SB toaster ovens while building a Controleo3. These modifications may be necessary if the oven was damaged during assembly or if a boost element upgrade is being implemented.
My 2019 Books
·432 words·3 mins
One of my goals in 2019 was to read at least one book per month. This post is a retrospective of that effort.
A review of three years on Coursera (2015 - 2018)
·1334 words·7 mins
In this post, I will go through and review my experiences with Coursera over the last three years. This review will cover amounts paid, my thoughts on the format of assignments, and what lasting benefit I think I’ve received.